TechBirmingham Blog

Archive for November, 2016

TechBirmingham To Host Code-A-Thon Event

TechBirmingham, TechAlabama and Daxko are teaming up to host the first ever Kids Code-A-Thon taking place at the Daxko offices in Homewood on December 3rd.


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Meet our Member Companies – Assimilated Asylum Technology Group

TechBirmingham thrives through its immensely talented and diverse group of member companies. Meet our Member Companies is an ongoing Q&A series highlighting this group of movers, shakers and makers in B’ham’s tech industry.

Meet Wes Stewart, Founder and Principal Security Engineer at Assimilated Asylum Technology Group. Wes is a Birmingham native and founded the company earlier this year. Read on to learn more about Assimilated Asylum and the great things they are doing in Birmingham and beyond.


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A Look Inside the World of Virtual Reality

TechBirmingham thrives through its immensely talented and diverse group of member companies. We asked member company Telegraph Creative to fill us in on one of their areas of expertise, virtual reality.

Seth Griffin is Creative Director at Telegraph Creative, a five year old creative agency in Birmingham. We asked Seth to tell us about recent advancements in the world of virtual reality. Read on to learn more!


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S.T.E.M. Day Chick-Fil-A Event

November 8th is S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day which inspires parents to get their children involved in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics fields. The idea originated from the Project Mc^2 brand, which highlights four fun and intelligent girls and their adventures as members of a spy organization called NOV8 (“innovate”).  TechBirmingham and the Chick-Fil-A of Hoover Commons are pairing up on November 8th to offer an introduction into the world of S.T.E.M. along with a special dinner discount.


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