On November 7th, TechBirmingham recognized all of the volunteers who have unselfishly given their time and talents to help TechBirmingham provide programs for the community. In 2017, TechBirmingham hosted 11 Kids Coding events at the McWane Center and Samford University, reaching over 370 kids in the Metro Birmingham Area and beyond. This past summer was the first camp held at Innovation Depot, where 36 kids attended to learn app development. Other events where volunteers played a key role where the Alabama Cyber Now Conference and Sloss Tech.
Jennifer Skjellum, President of TechBirmingham, recognized several key volunteers for their contributions in helping with Super Code Sunday, Kids Code and the 100 Girls of Code and Girls Only Code workshops. All of them have played major roles in the Kids Code Initiatives and in some cases helped launch the program. Val Atchison, Darby Westfall, Julie Lim, Daisy Wong, Vinny Chiaramonte, and Keiah Shauku all received the TechBirmingham “Change Agent” Award. Without these individuals, TechBirmingham would not be able to create and implement the quality programs currently offered to the community.

Darby Westfall, Vinny Chiaramonte, Jennifer Skjullum, Val Atchison, Juile Lim, and Daisy Wong. (not pictured is Keiah Shauku).
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