Meet our member company – Forge with Kim Lee

June 23, 2017 | no comments

Tech Birmingham is happy to announce our new member company, Forge. Today we are featuring Kim Lee, Forge’s CEO and founder. We, at Tech Birmingham, feel that Forge has a lot to offer this community as it grows. Learn more from Kim about Forge and their plans to expand Birmingham’s tech community down below.

We are so glad you joined the TechBirmingham Community Kim! Tell us about your company Forge.

Forge is Birmingham’s first locally owned professional coworking space. Forge is membership based which means that you can find a membership that best meets the needs of your business. Memberships start at 8 hrs a week and go all the way to a Full Time Membership. We also have a number of Private Offices available.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about your industry?

Co-working is a relatively new concept to Birmingham, though not necessarily to the Tech industry. It always seems to makes sense when starting a new business to start at home. However, it does not take long working in the basement full time or taking over the kitchen table that you feel the pains of not having a place to work. Most of the time, the biggest pain is that you are totally isolated from any type of community and the networking that comes with it. 7 out of 10 people who join a co-working space see an increase in revenue. There are many reasons for that increase, increased productivity, being around the motivated works brings energy, connecting with others in the community who might need your services…. So, joining a co-working space when starting a new business might actually accelerate the success of your business. Co-working is not just for entrepreneurs however, Small business owners, remote workers, freelancers, even nonprofits, all have the same benefit of increase in revenue after joining a co-working space.

How do you feel about Bham’s tech scene?

Right now is an exciting time for the Birmingham Tech scene. One of the most important things that we need to make sure happens is that an ecosystem for supporting all these new businesses is put in place. We need to make sure we have the infrastructures in place to give all the new businesses the biggest chance for success.

What exciting news or product/service announcements does your company have on the horizon?

Forge will be opening mid-August. We are currently taking applications now to reserve your membership before we open.

Where can we find your company online?


And where can we find you online?

twitter, Facebook and instagram, @workatforge

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