TechBirmingham thrives through its immensely talented and diverse group of member companies. Meet our Member Companies is an ongoing Q&A series highlighting this group of movers, shakers and makers in B’ham’s tech industry.
Meet Eric Martin Scott, Managing Attorney at EMSigma Law, LLC. Eric is a Louisiana native and has lived in Birmingham for two years. Read on to learn more about EMSigma Law and the great things they are doing in Birmingham and beyond.
Hi Eric! Let’s get started — Tell us more about EMSigma Law and what you do.
I have been in private practice for over two years, but my firm has been around almost one year. I focus on counseling professional entrepreneurs and startup businesses – creative class entrepreneurs – from single programmers and artists to a medium sized technology company. Thus, a lot of what I do is learn from my clients because what my clients are doing is new to the market as well as to me.
I like to work mobile so I’m often meeting clients at their office and getting to know their business from the ground up.
Its exciting to research legal issues for cutting edge businesses. When you’re dealing with business, technology, and the law you can run into regulations at the federal, state, and even international levels – not to mention various agency rules and regulations. Its easy to say that some where out there a gavel is most likely coming down and a change in the law is affecting my clients.
What do you think is the biggest misconception about your industry?
Too many startups and small businesses see using an attorney as too expensive. But there are many attorneys who will go the extra mile to not only serve a client but save their client money. If I can save a client money by pointing them to a free resource I will. I enjoy providing as much education to my clients as possible.
How do you feel about B’ham’s tech scene?
The Birmingham tech scene absolutely changed the focus of my practice! I have a background (way background) in web development. My master’s degree is in Management with focus on Social Entrepreneurism. But after law school and becoming a lawyer, I thought, “How do I make a living as a lawyer?” Being around the minds and ideas in the Birmingham tech scene brought me back to thinking like an entrepreneur, like a startup.
When people talk about technology, they usually assume technology is a private good, and the “tech-sector” is a private realm. But the truth is that technology is frequently a product of public and private collaboration. I think Birmingham has a very close knit and helpful tech scene. But a weakness is getting people outside the scene to see its value as well as getting people inside the scene to interact with other sectors in the Birmingham economy – be it arts, business or politics.
What exciting news or product/service announcements does your company have on the horizon?
Right now I’m my own IT, but I’m looking make my website more interactive and responsive.
Anything else about you or your company you want us to share?
If you see me around, say “Hi.” I’m always happy to learn more about you and your business.
Thanks so much for sharing, Eric!
Follow EMSigma Law and Eric online here:
Twitter: @EricMartinScott
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