Meet our Member Companies – Alloy

May 26, 2016 | no comments

TechBirmingham thrives through its immensely talented and diverse group of member companies. Meet our Member Companies is an ongoing Q&A series highlighting this group of movers, shakers and makers in B’ham’s tech industry.

Meet Jessica Vance, Account Director for Alloy. Jessica has lived in Birmingham for over 20 years. Read on to learn more about Alloy and the great things they are doing in Birmingham and beyond.

Hi Jessica! Let’s get started — Tell us more about Alloy and your typical day.

The company rebranded as Alloy less than 2 years ago, but Intermark Interactive, where the company was born, has been around since 1996.

The typical morning starts with a full to-do list of tasks to tackle. I spend 75% of my day in meetings so that the development team can focus on our project work. There are a mix of scrums, project status meetings and client calls mixed with a fair share of accounting meetings, Google hangouts and brainstorm sessions. Our office is very casual, so in good weather, we on our side patio or head out for lunch nearby. Our environment is highly collaborative, so although we live and die by Slack, we also resort to yelling over cubes or bounce ideas around in the aisle. My clients range from automotive to supply chain to manufacturer / retailer which keeps my mind active.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about your industry?

The biggest misconception is that you have to be a lifelong technology guru to excel. Some of our employees went to college with different careers in mind or are even working in technology now as a second career. You don’t have to have an extensive technology background to excel, but instead, an intense passion for continued learning.

What exciting news or product/service announcements does your company have on the horizon?

We are working on a number of interesting endeavors including a large technical consulting project and multiple industry disruptive commercial projects, but nothing we can share by name.

How do you feel about B’ham’s tech scene?

Being in a technical company with a non-technical role, I would definitely like to see more females in the field along with applicants from out of state (or country). Birmingham has a lot to offer career-wise and socially that I am happy to see TechBirmingham getting the word out about everything that’s going on.


Thanks so much for sharing, Jessica! 

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