TechBirmingham hosts second 100 Girls of Code workshop

October 7, 2015 | no comments


TechBirmingham hosted the second 100 Girls of Code workshop at the McWane Science Center on Saturday October 3rd. 147 girls attended and learned to create games in Scratch and develop a website over the course of the day. The girls also learned about the field of computer science, tech careers and internet safety. Content and instruction for the workshop were provided by local volunteers who work in Birmingham tech companies, start ups and more even some of the more traditional industries. 31 women volunteered in the hopes of inspiring young girls to pursue programming and provide a safe, supportive environment for girls to explore and learn. Future workshops will be open to girls as young as 8 years old and will provide entry level and advanced instruction based on the attendees skill set. The next workshop is targeted for early January.

A huge thanks to our sponsors: 36 Labs, ITAC Solutions, dealnews, Warren Averett, TekLinks, Robins & Morton, Daxko, 45,000 Feet and R2 Consulting!


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